This ebook by Dawson Church PhD, will explain the 7 things that all people, who have successfully lost weight and kept it off long-term, have in common.
“Oh no, I lost the weight, but after I finished my diet, it all came back!”
You’ve discovered for yourself that even when you do succeed in losing weight, it slowly creeps back. You worked so hard to reduce, sacrificing your favorite comfort foods, starving, eating foods you didn’t really want, and applying massive willpower. Yet it doesn't last!
Research shows that most people gain all the lost weight back within 3 years, and wind up heavier than before.
But there are exceptions! A small percentage of dieters succeed in keeping the weight off permanently. Their statistics are maintained by the National Weight Control Registry, and this research shows that they lost an average of 67lb and keep it off for 5 years or more.
What sets these success stories apart from everyone else? What do they do that makes them different? Research analysis reveals they have learned simple yet specific behaviors that keep them skinny.
Discover the 7 behaviors scientifically proven to result in permanent weight loss in this PDF report.
They lost an average of 67lb and keep it off for 5 years or more!
For $7 you will get immediate access to the PDF ebook download explaining the seven things these long-term weight loss people have in common.
PDF files can be read by desktop computers, laptops, tables, eReaders, and mobile devices including smart phones.