The heart chakra – the center for love, warmth, compassion, and joy, moves love through your life. It is the center of your sense of caring and compassion, your kindness, your love for others, as well as your love for self. The set-up phrase for EFT tapping – “Even though I have this issue, I love and accept myself anyway” – can be very challenging for many people to say. The reality is that they do NOT love and accept themselves.
When we aren't able to love and accept ourselves, taking care of ourselves with good nutrition and honoring our bodies with joyful movement is challenging. Releasing excess weight can be extremely challenging. We often modify the phrase, with the intention of working on love and acceptance of self as time goes by, but one thing we can do right away is to balance the heart chakra.
In this session, we'll begin by doing some tapping on feelings of not deeply and completely loving and accepting ourselves, as well as emotions such as hatred, jealousy, fear, anger, and lack of empathy. We'll then do a powerful visualization designed to help balance your heart chakra. The color for this chakra is green and the music was specially chosen to resonate with this chakra.
After the visualization, we'll finish with some positive affirmation tapping to lock in the feelings of love for self and love for others.